About zenonzealot.xyz

Stay up to date and ahead of the curve on all things Zenon.

Hi! I am @georgezgeorgez

I believe that free and open source software, open protocols, and decentralized networks will fundamentally and positively transform society and the way we work together.

Through this newsletter, I will provide regular updates on Zenon Network as well as commentary and analysis. Free subscribers will get access to all biweekly community updates straight to their email. Paid subscribers will also get access to my analysis of other protocols and a behind the scenes view of my work.

So subscribe today and join the Zenon Zealot community!

Zenon Network is unique in many aspects and I am passionate about its success. I am committed long term to our network and have burned to create a Pillar called Ignition. I am working on developing features such as HTLCs and many more and hope to be a meaningful contributor to the codebase. My time, my capital, and my heart are in the network.

I would like to work full time on Zenon, and this newsletter is a first step towards that. I believe that decentralized networks will enable many to work independently and directly connect with a community which supports them and values their work.

I believe in the long term, that communities will form between Pillars and their delegators. I want Ignition to be a home for developers, builders, and creators. In order to provide that, I need to understand the creator economy myself. This newsletter will be a learning experience for me. I hope by sharing my experiences through this newsletter, that I can help others take their first steps as well.

If you'd like to join me on this journey, please consider subscribing :-)
It's free and would mean a lot to me.